EToYMD (or Eat This) is a collaborative OC world loosely inspired by Your Turn to Die, Clue, Knives Out, Saw, and Danganronpa.

The story follows 22 strangers invited to a mansion, each under false pretenses. Some believe they are being invited to an all expenses vacation, while others are under the impression they are seeking out rehabilitation. However, the truth is more sinister, as they all discover upon arrival that things are not what they seem.

A murder. A mansion suddenly lifted off of the ground by a pillar jutting from the earth. No way out.

The group then must accept and survive their circumstances, or discover a method and a motive…or else the worst may come for them.


art cred: darcy/@reverieprince , ted/@venturehomenews



A forensic scientist that doesn't really take dire situations as seriously as they should. Says the wrong things at the wrong time (on purpose), and is super obnoxious and careless and reckless.Of all people, they would most likely be the one to tamper with evidence for fun. Benny is a bit of a jerk at first but as he's around the group more he takes a liking to them and softens up a bit.


they/it. 25.

A bit of a people pleaser, Mira tends to match the energy of anyone they are around. Energetic to a fault, they keep most of the information about themselves under wrap while usually listening close to those around them. They also love to talk to the most stubborn of people because they believe they tend to have the most interesting things to talk about. Also LOVES to dress up and will try any and every fashion genre and subcategory ever.


he/him. monkey.

BooBoo is a runaway circus monkey.Only appearing after the first murder, his presence and existence is shrouded in mystery. One thing is for sure...he can be very antagonistic.

EMILE beauregard

he/him. 34.

Emile comes from a well off family with high standards and he's pretty smart. An established author, his first published book got extremely popular and gained him much recognition. However, nothing he wrote afterwards ever got attention due to his unorthodox writing style.He's been surviving off money from his parents (a very professional and loveless family)... but he's scared out of his mind for the day his lifeline just gets cut off.


she/he/they/it. 29. genderfluid

They are simply...not right in the head, with having to discard her humanity at a very young age to become the "perfect being". Vale no longer fits in properly with other human beings, mostly there to cause trouble and to place himself higher above others.It has a passion for the human anatomy and more specifically is fascinated with blood, her weird interest in such is what cause her to fail her medical exams. Despite studying to become a doctor for years, higher ups have declined access to an official license. Vale has job-hopped since from being a variety of designers (latest fashion + costumes) to eventually lead to makeup design. He has learn many ways to change oneself to be more.They are quite fond of beauty in general.


any pronouns . 25. wasian. unlabeled

An amnesiac with as little trust for themself as well as others. Very picky with what relationships they build, or maybe nervous? The information broker of group with the motive to find intel on the gap in their memory. They seem to never take off that scarf… Is anything not a secret with them?Soft spoken, opting to sit back and watch situations rather than get involved. They are a sucker for aesthetics (hence the reds.)If they were an animal they’d be a fox.Overthinks to the point of missing simple details.


he/him. 28. white. closeted bisexual

Living alone for 7 years prior to coming to the mansion, Edgar has accustomed himself to living in solitude and resigning to a life of just sort of getting by. He arrives at the mansion under the pretense of it being a sort of rehabilitation facility, invited by somebody connected to a crime he committed those 7 years ago...He is generally pretty friendly and does the best he can to make people feel safe and welcome, but he tends to stick to himself and silently process situations. Absolutely will act as a mediator or a leader if a situation calls for it, but its something he feels unfit for, and would rather work with everyone's contribution than to be seen as a voice of any kind of authority. Horrible anger issues that he does a very very good job of keeping in-check, and doesn't usually lash out, but if he's overwhelmed or pushed far enough he will definitely have his moments of outburst.


she/her. 27. wasian. lesbian

Mona Magdalena is a shut-in of a person. Little aspirations and ambition, most of her days are spent hiding away in her room. She is incredibly bad at socializing with others and often doesn’t say the right thing. She comes off as rude and impolite during first impressions, but if she lets you into her inner circle, she will shower you with praise and love.During the events of Eat This, she is incredibly paranoid and secludes herself. Most of the cast doesn’t first meet her until 3-4 days have passed.


she/they. 26. filipina/venezuelan. lesbian

Julieta is very quiet, intuitive, curious, and perceptive of everything around her. She prefers to observe things and connect it to the bigger picture before saying her piece, but this leads to her generally not speaking a lot. They try their best to be polite and easygoing in conversation, and they strive to maintain a great deal of patience, yet generally they prefer to keep to themselves if they can help it. However, their patience is not infinite, and their words may become taut and chipped, or absent altogether, if they feel cornered or overwhelmed. This comes off as bluntness.Perhaps the biggest weight on her shoulders is the debilitating grief that led her to the mansion. Wanting to find some sort of solid ground for healing, she was drawn to the aspect of rehabilitation, expecting to find others who were also unable to integrate back into daily life for similar reasons and finding some sort of solace as a starting point. A situation forced her to disclose part of her reason for being there (how and who exactly is in the open air rn), but beyond stating that she was grieving for someone she refused to disclose any further information, such as who or why she has been grieving.


they/any. 26.

Atticus holds a polite, yet almost clinically distant demeanour. They're courteous and helpful if approached, but you may come away feeling more like you just spoke to a waiter than a friend. While outwardly appearing very put together - taking care not to display too much emotion - they are prone to panicking, and may crumble and lose all rationality if they spiral.Atticus dislikes being alone and prefers to be with others, but doesnt really initiate conversation. They're content to sit back and listen when in larger groups, and feels a little more on edge in smaller groups due to the higher possibility of having attention turned to him. He won't shy away from conversation if approached and is friendly and enjoys talking with other people to pass the time. However, she doesnt like talking about herself or any sort of vulnerability.


she/her. 31. white. bisexual transfem

An exceedingly prissy woman with a hankering for anything luxurious. She is very self righteous- often holding close minded ideals due to being so confident in her own thinking. She does not take kindly to things that she lacks control over and always prefers to watch situations go down from an emotional distance.


he/him. 23. malaysian/irish. lesbian

Anise was a university student studying art before coming to the mansion. Despite the situation, he's very excited to make new friends! He's hesitant to open up about his own past, but is very curious about everyone else's. He doesn't want to believe everyone here is a bad person at heart, and is willing to give everyone a chance. He's especially drawn to the more quiet, emotionally distant type...but there isn't anyone he isn't willing to help out!After the first death, it hits him hard how serious the situation really is, and is terrified for the death of all his new friends and himself. he becomes more closed off himself, hardened sad and at the slightest push could burst into tears, but deep down he's summoning the strength he needs to protect everyone.


she/her. 42. butch lesbian

Blunt and standoffish, she’s the farthest thing from a people-person. She’s most likely to be found on the edge of a conversation, observing with a scowl.Jo struggles to contain her anger and has an emotional support bunny, Beegee. She keeps him hidden, sometimes in her coat.


she/her. refuses to give age. italian. unlabeled.

A lolita stuck in the 2010s sweet era no matter how out of style it gets. Likes to throw threats around but almost never acts on them unless you touch her dresses. Bottomless bag; don't leave her in a room alone she will come out in different coordinate. Frequently asks others to take pictures of her in the prettier parts of the mansion (but make sure you get her shoes in the picture.) Default expression is a disarming smile, she will throw threats while sparkling like a shoujo main character.Rosie arrived at the mansion with her ouji Feliciano expecting a small fashion meet-up, but being faced instead with the unfortunate reality of the mansion. With Feliciano being the first dead after protecting Rosie, she becomes a bit more distant from the others, suspicious and bitter with having lost so much already. Though she still manages to maintain her composure and cheerful disposition...

Rowan Camila Santiago Álvarez

she/him. 25. mexican/colombian. lesbian.

Rowan is so bland that people who meet her often forget they do so. She has more of a blank slate than a brain, and in terms of looks she is equally as unremarkable.She has few things that may set her apart if people go out of their way to find out. The most striking is how dense she is... "slow" is a good way to describe it. She may take 20 minutes to get a simple joke, and 40 for sarcasm. She is awful at puzzles and thinking outside the box. She's somewhat aware of this however, and does try her best to keep up with her more intellectual peers. This may bring her some frustration at times.Her blandness and stupidity blend in an interesting way: She's able to eavesdrop on people simply because they forget she's there, but any information she learns she's too slow to do anything with. However, smarter individuals may take advantage of this and use her to find out information... the extracting of such information however will be excruciating.In her past, Rowan had been kicked out of her house at an early age due to academic failures. Internally she harbours some seething jealousy towards prodigies, and it may show in avoidance or slight antagonistic behaviour towards such people. After this, she went from job to job and couch to couch. Jobs often being simple manual labour tasks, and where she lacks in brain, she can make up for in brawn


she/her. 18. lesbian.

Passionate about art, animals, and nature, Sprout is very kind but can tend to be avoidant. A hopeless romantic, Sprout is very whimsical and optimistic, however once her anxiety kicks in she can quickly become a blubbering mess. She is more observant and perceptive than she seems, with her bubbly, innocent demeanor making up for the anxieties and fears that frequently overwhelm her.